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Some of our groups recent publications:


  • ·         Blanchard, R. and Holmes, P.M. (2008). Riparian vegetation recovery after invasive alien tree clearance in the Fynbos Biome. South African Journal of Botany, 74 (3): 421-431

  • ·         Blanchard, R., O’Farrell, P.J., Richardson, D.M. (2015) Anticipating potential biodiversity conflicts for future biofuel crops in South Africa: incorporating spatial filters with species distribution models. Global Change Biology Biofuels 7, 273–287.

  • ·         Blanchard, R., Richardson, D.M., O’Farrell, P.J. (2011). Biofuels and biodiversity in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 107(5/6):19-26.

  • ·         Cook, T.R., Hamann, M., Pichegru, L., Bonadonna, F., Grémillet, D. & P.G. Ryan. 2012. GPS and time-depth loggers reveal underwater foraging plasticity in a flying diver, the Cape Cormorant. Marine Biology 159(2): 373-387.

  • ·         Duraiappah A.K., Asah S.T., Brondizio E.S., Kosoy N., O’Farrell P.J., Prieur-Richard A-H., Subramanian S.M., Takeuchi K. (2014). Managing the Mismatches to Provide Ecosystem Services for Human Well-being: A Conceptual framework for understanding the New Commons, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14(7): 94-100.

  • ·         Hamann M., Masterson, V., Biggs, R., Tengö, M., Reyers, B., Dziba, L. & M. Spierenburg. 2012. Social-Ecological Scenarios for the Eastern Cape 2012 – 2050. Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden. Available at

  • ·         Hamann, M.H., Grémillet, D., Ryan, P.G., Bonadonna, F., van der Lingen, C.D. & L. Pichegru. 2012. A hard-knock life: the foraging ecology of Cape cormorants amidst shifting prey resources and industrial fishing pressure. African Journal of Marine Science 34(2): 233-240.

  • ·         Le Maitre D.C., Gaertner, M., Marchante, E., Ens, E.J., Holmes, P.M., Pauchard A., O’Farrell, P.J., Rogers, A.M., Blanchard, R., Blignaut, J., Richardson, D.M. (2011). Impacts of invasive Australian acacias: implications for management and restoration. Diversity and Distributions, 17(5): 1015-1029.

  • ·         Le Maitre, D.C., Kotzee, I, O’Farrell, P.J. (2014). Impacts of land-cover change on the water flow regulation ecosystem service: Invasive alien plants, fire and their policy implications. Land Use Policy 36: 171- 181.

  • ·         Mace G.M., B. Reyers, R. Alkemade, R. Biggs, F.S. Chapin III, S.E. Cornell, S. Díaz, S. Jennings, P. Leadley, P.J. Mumby, A. Purvis, R.J. Scholes, A.W.R. Seddon, M. Solan, W. Steffen, G. Woodward. 2014. Approaches to defining a planetary boundary for biodiversity, Global Environmental Change. 28: 289-297

  • ·         Maherry, A.M., Horan, M.J.C., Smith-Adao, L.B., van Deventer, H., Nel, J.L. and Schulze R.E. 2012. Delineating River Network Quinary Catchments for South Africa and Allocating Associated Daily Hydrological Information. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

  • ·         Marrocoli, S., Hamann, M. & J. Allison. 2013. Lemur distributions in a fragmented landscape, northern Madagascar. Lemur News 17: 37-39.

  • ·         Nel J.L., Driver A., Strydom W., Maherry A., Petersen C., Hill, L., Roux D.J., Nienaber S., van Deventer H, Swartz, E., and Smith-Adao, L.B. 2011b. Atlas of Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas in South Africa: Maps to support sustainable development of water resources. WRC Report No TT 500/11, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

  • ·         Nel, J. L., Le Maitre, D. C., Nel, D. C., Reyers, B., Archibald, S., van Wilgen, B. W., et al. 2014. Natural Hazards in a Changing World: A Case for Ecosystem-Based Management. PloS One, 9:  e95942.

  • ·         Nel, J.L., Murray, K.M., Maherry, A.M., Petersen, C.P., Roux, D.J., Driver, A., Hill, L., Van Deventer, H.1, Funke, N., Swartz, E.R., Smith-Adao, L.B., Mbona, N., Downsborough, L., and Nienaber, S. 2011a. Technical Report: National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas project. WRC Report No 1810/2/11, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

  • ·         Nel, J.L., Reyers, B., Roux, D.J. and Cowling, R.M. 2009. Expanding protected areas beyond their terrestrial comfort zone: identifying spatial options for river conservation. Biological Conservation 142: 1605–1616.

  • ·         Nel, J.L., Roux, D.J., Cowling, R.M., Abell, R., Ashton, P.J., Higgins, J.A., Thieme, M., Viers, J.C. 2009. Progress and challenges in freshwater conservation planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater ecosystems 19: 474-485.

  • ·         Nel, J.L., Roux, D.J., Driver, A., Hill, L., Maherry, A., Snaddon, K., Petersen, C., Smith-Adao, L.B., Van Deventer, H., and Reyers, B. in review. Knowledge co-production and boundary work to promote implementation of conservation plans. Conservation Biology.

  • ·         Ntshotsho P. 2012. Healing Earth’s damaged ecosystems. New Voices in Science 2012: 24 Popular Science Stories. Page 18. Hansa Print, Stellenbosch, South Africa. URL:

  • ·         Ntshotsho, P., Prozesky, H. E., Esler, K. J. & Reyers, B. 2015. What drives the use of scientific evidence in decision making? The case of the South African Working for Water programme. Biological Conservation 184: 136-144.

  • ·         Ntshotsho, P., Reyers, B. & Esler, K. J. 2011. Assessing the evidence base for restoration in South Africa. Restoration Ecology, 19: 578-586.

  • ·         Ntshotsho, P., Reyers, B. & Esler, K. J. 2012. No evidence-based restoration without a sound evidence base: a reply to Guldemond et al., Restoration Ecology, 20: 158-159.

  • ·         Polasky, S., Tallis, H. & Reyers, B. In Press. Setting the Bar: Standards for Ecosystem Services. PNAS

  • ·         Reyers, B., Biggs, R., Cumming, G.S, Hejnowicz, A.P., Polasky, S. 2013. Getting the measure of ecosystem services: a social–ecological approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment. 11(5): 268-273.

  • ·         Reyers, B., J.L. Nel. P. J. O’Farrell, N. Sitas, D. Nel. 2015. Navigating complexity through knowledge coproduction: Mainstreaming ecosystem services into disaster risk reduction 112(24): 7362-7368.

  • ·         Richardson, D,M., Blanchard, R. (2011). Learning from our mistakes: minimizing problems with invasive biofuel plants. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3:36-42.

  • ·         Roux, D.J., Ashton, P.J., Nel, J.L. and MacKay, H.M. 2008. Improving cross-sector policy integration and cooperation in support of freshwater conservation. Conservation Biology 22: 1382-1387.

  • ·         Sitas, N., H. E. Prozesky, K. J. Esler, and B. Reyers (2014) Exploring the gap between ecosystem service research and management in development planning. Sustainability 6(6): 3802-3824.

  • ·         Sitas, N., H.E. Prozesky, K. J. Esler, and B. Reyers (2013) Opportunities and challenges for mainstreaming ecosystem services in development planning: perspectives from a landscape level. Landscape Ecology 19(8): 1315-1331.

  • ·         Sitas, N., J.E.M. Baillie, and N.J.B.  Isaac (2009) What are we saving? Developing a standardized approach for conservation action. Animal Conservation. (12) 3: 231-237.

  • ·         Smith-Adao, L.B. and Scheepers, A.C.T. 2007. An assessment of the channel morphological changes in the Lourens River, Western Cape. Water SA 33 (4), 559-569.

  • ·         Smith-Adao, L.B. Nel, J.L., le Maitre, D., Maherry, A. and Swartz, E.R. 2011. A spatial assessment of freshwater ecosystems and water supply in a semi-arid environment. River Research and Applications 27, 1298-1314.

  • ·         Steffen, W., K. Richardson, J. Rockström, S.E. Cornell, I. Fetzer, E.M. Bennett, R. Biggs, S.R. Carpenter, W. de Vries, C.A. de Wit, C. Folke, D. Gerten, J. Heinke, G. M. Mace, L.M. Persson, V. Ramanathan, B. Reyers, S. Sörlin. In Press. Planetary Boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science.

  • ·         Trabucchi, M., Ntshotsho, P., O'Farrell, P. & Comín, F. A. 2012. Ecosystem service trends in basin-scale restoration initiatives: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 111: 18-23.

  • ·         Trabucchi, M.,Comin, F.A., O’Farrell, P.(2013). Hierarchical priority setting for restoration in a watershed in NE Spain, based on assessments of soil erosion and ecosystem services. Regional Environmental Change. DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0392-4.

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