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Odirilwe Selomane


I am interested in demonstrating human well-being outcomes linked to nature through indicators and I use already established links between the two. The idea is to show – where possible – the consequences of change in the human wellbeing outcomes on nature outcomes and vice versa using existing data. I also explore the role of disaggregating benefits (costs) and beneficiaries (losers).


My earlier training in agricultural economics (University of Limpopo), environmental economics (Wageningen University) and work at Living Lands around restoration for ecological and societal benefits introduced me to a wide range of complex nature-people interactions.


In the future, I would like to also explore nature-food and nature-health links. 



  • Chaminuka, P., Groeneveld, R. A., Selomane, A., & van Ierland, E. C. (2012). Tourist preferences for ecotourism in rural communities adjacent to Kruger National Park: A choice experiment approach. Tourism Management, 33(1), 168–176.


  • Goqwana, W., Machingura, C., Mdlulwa, Z., Mkhari, R., Mmolaeng, O., & Selomane, A. (2008). A facilitated process towards finding options for improved livestock production in the communal areas of Sterkspruit in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 25(2), 63–69. 






  • Ecosystem Services Stewardship








  • Social-Ecological systems assessment

  • Poverty alleviation



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